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SBU counter-intelligence officers receive PD-2 unmanned system

22.05.2024 ნახვები: 220

Counterintelligence officers of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) received a PD-2 reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle from the Come Back Alive Foundation.

According to Ukrinform, the SBU reported this on Facebook.


"From now on, the Special Forces of the 13th Main Directorate of the SBU Department of Military Counterintelligence will be able to destroy the occupiers even better. They will now have a new unmanned aerial vehicle PD-2 at their disposal," the statement said.

It can be used to detect targets, which are then targeted with long-range and high-precision weapons.

The unmanned system was handed over to the SBU by the Come Back Alive Foundation. Volunteers raised almost UAH 30 million to purchase it.

Read also: Ukrinform fundraising for Mavic drones for 72nd Separate Mechanized Brigade

The complex consists of two reconnaissance drones with a controlled flight radius of up to 180 km and powerful zooms for daytime and thermal imaging surveillance.

In addition, the package includes a mobile station and a ground control station, spare parts and other components.

As Ukrinform reported, SBU counterintelligence officers working on the front line received a Ukrainian-made Leleka-100 unmanned aerial vehicle for their work.


Photo: SBU

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