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Dutch PM Mark Rutte may become new NATO Secretary General

19.06.2024 ნახვები: 314

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte will become the new NATO Secretary General.

According to Ukrinform, citing NOS, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is to withdraw his candidacy in the near future, paving the way for Rutte.


"Mark Rutte will become the new NATO Secretary General. Now that Hungary also fully supports Rutte's candidacy, all that remains is to wait for another candidate, Romanian President Iohannis, to withdraw his candidacy. Insiders confirm to NOS that Iohannis will do so in the short term," the report says. 

It is noted that the current NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the selection of the new secretary general is almost complete and called Rutte a "strong candidate".

Read also: Zelensky, Rutte discuss Peace Summit, Ukraine's progress toward EU

According to NOS, after Hungary fully supported Rutte's candidacy, Iohannis only had to withdraw his candidacy. Now Rutte will have the necessary support of all NATO member states to replace Stoltenberg as the Alliance's Secretary General.

There is no formal procedure for the appointment of the NATO summit's secretary general, but it requires the consent of all 32 members of the Alliance.

As reported by Ukrinform, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte had a "good conversation" with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, which was a big step for him towards becoming NATO Secretary General. Rutte met with Orban in Brussels on 17 June on the sidelines of an informal meeting of EU leaders in Brussels. For several months, Hungary had been blocking Rutte's candidacy for NATO Secretary General. After his talks with Orban, Rutte also told reporters that he was cautiously optimistic that Hungary's opposition would be overcome.

Photo: EPA

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