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Trump promises to end Russian-Ukrainian war after conversation with Zelensky

20.07.2024 ნახვები: 274

US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump promised to bring peace and end the war after a telephone conversation with President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday.

According to Ukrinform, he announced this on the Truth Social social network.

"President Zelensky of Ukraine and I had a very good phone call earlier today. He congratulated me on a very successful Republican National Convention and becoming the Republican nominee for President of the United States." 

"He condemned the heinous assassination attempt last Saturday and remarked about the American people coming together in the spirit of Unity during these times."

"I appreciate President Zelensky for reaching out because I, as your next President of the United States, will bring peace to the world and end the war that has cost so many lives and devastated countless innocent families," Trump said, addressing the American audience. 

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In his opinion, "both sides can come together and agree on a deal that will end the violence and pave the way for prosperity."

As reported by Ukrinform, the President of Ukraine noted on his official page on the X network that during a conversation with Trump, he congratulated him on his nomination for the Republican Party and stressed the importance of maintaining bipartisan support for Ukraine.

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