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UN report: At least 184 civilians killed, 856 injured in Ukraine in Aug

09.09.2024 ნახვები: 234

At least 184 Ukrainian civilians were killed and 856 injured due to Russian aggression in Ukraine in August 2024.

That is according to a report issued by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ukrinform reports.

"At least 184 civilians were killed and 856 injured in Ukraine in August, making it the month with the second highest number of civilian casualties in 2024, after July," the UN report said. 

Multiple mass casualty events, including in Kostiantynivka (Donetsk region) and Kharkiv, and daily attacks near the frontline, particularly in Donetsk region, contributed to the high civilian casualty number.

"The vast majority of civilian casualties (91 per cent) and damage to educational and health facilities (95 per cent) in August continued to occur in Government-controlled territory," the report said.

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