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სალომე ზურაბიშვილი - დღეს ვინც პარლამენტში შევა, შევა რუსეთში
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ოლაფ შოლცი - რუსეთის მიერ უკრაინაში ახალი ბალისტიკური რაკეტის გამოყენება სახიფათო ესკალაციაა
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Russians strike Dnipro with ballistic missile, likely from Kedr complex – Ukrainian intel

Shmyhal visits reconstructed school bomb shelter in Mykolaiv

27.09.2024 ნახვები: 270

As part of his working visit to Mykolaiv, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal inspected a reconstructed school bomb shelter that can accommodate more than 500 pupils.

The Prime Minister wrote this in a post on Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

“Offline learning, where possible, is one of the priorities of the government in the education sector. Today we inspected the reconstructed shelter of one of the educational institutions in Mykolaiv. This is more than 900 square meters of educational space underground, which can accommodate more than 500 pupils at a time,” he wrote.

Shmyhal clarified that the bomb shelter was modernized with charitable funds. He expressed his gratitude to all those who contributed to the fundraising effort. According to him, the school now has everything it needs for comfortable and safe learning even during air raids.

“In total, more than 70% of schools in the region have started the educational process offline or in a mixed mode. The government has allocated over UAH 550 million to the region for the construction of school shelters,” the Prime Minister added.


In addition, Shmyhal spoke with pupils and handed over certificates for academic scholarships from the Cabinet of Ministers for the first semester of this academic year to students of Mykolaiv's higher education institutions.

As reported by Ukrinform, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal is on a working visit to the Mykolaiv region. In particular, he inspected the process of installing two 1.5 MW cogeneration units that will provide heat to more than 200 apartment buildings.

Photo: Telegram/Shmyhal

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