აშშ-ის ყოფილი ელჩი - „ქართული ოცნება” შეეცდება ტრამპის გულის მოგებას, მაგრამ ეს რთული ბრძოლაა იმ ორმოების გათვალისწინებით, რომელიც “ოცნებამ” ამოითხარა
გიორგი ვაშაძე - „ქართული ოცნების” წარმომადგენლებს უნდათ, რომ პროტესტი აღკვეთონ, მედია გააჩუმონ, პოლიტიკოსები ციხეში ჩასვან
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ისაკო დევიძეს სასამართლომ 3500-ლარიანი ჯარიმა დააკისრა
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რასა იუკნევიჩიენე - მოვითხოვთ მზია ამაღლობელისა და სხვა 52 პოლიტპატიმრის დაუყოვნებლივ გათავისუფლებას

Zelensky listens to reports from Syrskyi, Budanov on front and Russia's immediate plans

05.12.2024 ნახვები: 337

“The report of the Chief of the Syrskyi Command - the front, our steps to strengthen the areas, the supply of the brigade, the Kursk operation. There was a report by the head of the DIU. Budanov reported on Russia's intentions for the near future and the situation in Syria - how a change in the balance of power in Syria can change global circumstances,” the President said.

Source: OP

In addition, he noted, there was a report on the situation in Georgia. “And this in Georgia, of course, is not only a problem of one nation and not only of our region - how the current government in Georgia is pushing the country to obvious dependence on Russia. It is simply shameful what they are doing against their own people. And when Moscow praises this government in Georgia, it clearly shows who they are working for in Tbilisi and for whom they are dispersing the protests. Definitely not for Georgia,” Zelensky said.

He noted that Ukraine is preparing a legal response and working with European and other partners on specific actions.

The President added that he had instructed to prepare appropriate sanctions decisions.

As reported, on November 28, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze said that Georgia refuses to negotiate accession to the EU and to receive EU financial assistance until 2028.

Read also: Zelensky receives briefing from CinC Syrskyi on frontline situation

This position of the authorities caused outrage in society, and mass protests began in Tbilisi and other cities of the country. Special police units dispersed the demonstrators using water cannons and tear gas, and dozens of people, including activists and media representatives, were detained and beaten by police.

Protests in the country continue.

Photo: OP

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