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სასამართლომ „ლელოს“ გენერალურ მდივანს, ირაკლი კუპრაძეს 2500-ლარიანი ჯარიმა დააკისრა
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ირაკლი ქადაგიშვილი - ზოგიერთი ევროპარლამენტარის განცხადება ჩემთვის გზავნილია, დეპუტატო, ხალხმა აგირჩია დამოუკიდებელი ქვეყნის პარლამენტის წევრად, მაგრამ გარედან დიქტატს დაემორჩილეო
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General Milley: Tanks provide firepower and strength for Ukraine's counteroffensive

06.02.2023 | 09:48 ნახვები: 145

Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Mark Milley has stressed the importance of modern battle tanks for Ukraine's counteroffensive as they provide the firepower and strength, noting that F-16 fighter jets would be more of a long-term effort.

He told this to reporters during a trip to France for the commemoration of D-Day, Ukrinform reports, citing CNN.

"Tanks are very important, both for the defense and the offense. Upgraded modern tanks, the training that goes with it, the ability to use them will be fundamental to Ukrainian success," Milley said.

Milley said the tanks will operate in a coordinated fashion with artillery, infantry and more when the counteroffensive begins, utilizing the training on military maneuvers the U.S. has provided for Ukraine in Germany to attack entrenched Russian positions.

"Everyone recognizes that Ukraine needs a modernized air force and everyone knows that. It's going to take a considerable length of time, effort, money, to build that air force," the U.S. general said.

The U.S. earlier pledged to provide 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine. Other countries have already sent German-made Leopard 2 tanks and British Challenger 2 tanks. Approximately 400 Ukrainian troops recently began training on U.S.-made M1A1 Abrams tanks, a process that is expected to last approximately 12 weeks. About half of the troops are learning to operate the tanks, while the other half will learn how to maintain the complex Western system.

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