გილოცავთ ახალ წელს
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თბილისში და საქართველოს სხვადასხვა ქალაქში „ერთობის ჯაჭვი“ შეიკრა

Russia applies coercion to retain control over dissenters - British intelligence

01.11.2024 ნახვები: 318

The Russian authorities employ methods of coercion and demonstrative deterrence to maintain control over elements of the population that are hostile to the regime led by Vladimir Putin.

That’s according to the UK Ministry of Defense, referring to intelligence data, Ukrinform reports.

The treason conviction data “illustrate the increasing reliance by the Russian government on coercive and demonstratively deterrent methods to maintain control over elements of the population that are hostile to the regime,” the ministry says.

“Prior to Russia's full scale invasion of Ukraine, the regime would usually preference more subtle ways of controlling dissent,” intelligence analysts note.
Read also: Putin not interested in negotiations, his goal to destroy Ukraine – ISW

The report adds that, as per Russian independent media, the number of those convicted of treason in Russia is the highest in the last nine years.


According to the Russian Ministry of Justice, in the first six months of 2024, more convictions were handed down than in the entire year of 2023. Likewise, the number of convictions under criminal articles related to extremism, terrorism, and "disinformation" has increased significantly, the report highlighted.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, 52 persons were convicted of treason in Russia in six months of 2024, more than triple the number reported in the same period last year.

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