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თიბისი „კანის ლომების“ ახალგაზრდული ფესტივალის მხარდამჭერია
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Trump says U.S. discussed with Ukraine which land 'would be kept and lost'

14.03.2025 ნახვები: 149

U.S. President Donald Trump stated that discussions between the United States and Ukraine included which parts of Ukrainian territory "would be kept and lost."

He said this at a meeting with NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte at the White House on Thursday, Ukrinform reports.

"We've been discussing with Ukraine land and pieces of land that would be kept and lost, and all of the other elements of a final agreement," Trump said.


He also mentioned discussions about "who's going to get the power plant." While he did not specify, he likely referred to the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.

"You know, it's not an easy process, but phase one is the ceasefire," Trump added.

Read also: Trump on Putin's statement: 'Hopefully Russia will do the right thing'

He also noted that a lot of individual topics had been discussed with the Ukrainian side, including NATO membership, but "everybody knows what the answer to that is." This appeared to reference his previous claim that Ukraine should not be part of the military alliance.

"A lot of the details of a final agreement have actually been discussed. Now we are going to see whether or not Russia is there, and if they are not, it'll be a very disappointing moment for the world," Trump said.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated on March 12 that Ukraine would never recognize occupied territories as Russian.

Photo: Office of the President of Ukraine

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