ირაკლი კობახიძე - მივიღეთ გადაწყვეტილება, 2028 წლის ბოლომდე დღის წესრიგში არ დავაყენოთ ევროკავშირთან მოლაპარაკებების გახსნის საკითხი
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Russia facing Ukrainian strikes despite earlier hopes for keeping their rear safe - Air Force spox

22.01.2024 ნახვები: 893

The Russians had hoped that their rear would be out of reach of Ukrainian strikes, but now the Russians are seeing their defense infrastructure being successfully targeted and hit.

That’s according to Yuriy Ihnat, the spokesman for Ukraine’s Air Force Command, who spoke with FREEDOM TV, Ukrinform reports.

"They expected that their deep rear would be safe, that, at least, we don't have weapons that can hit those areas. Or that the West will not give us anything in the long run, etc.,” he said.

According to the spokesman, Russia also counted on their air defense capabilities, adding that it is still impossible to protect the airspace over the entire country.

Read also: Every missile, drone Russia launches has its target - Ukraine's Air Force

"On the front line, it is necessary to protect forces on the ground, protect the territory of Crimea, which has long been a serious war theater. Of course, they cannot leave other sites close to the border with Ukraine — Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novgorod — without cover. But hitting those areas as you can see, does not pose any particular problem to Ukraine," Ihnat emphasized.

He noted that the aggressor state would be definitely ramping up air defenses in their rear, while the Ukrainian side will do everything to deplete them.

Read also: SBU stands behind Ukraine’s drone attack on Russia’s oil terminal - source

"Ukrainian drones keep flying there, and there will only be more in the future. The effect is already there: oil depots and factories of their defense industry are on fire, there are already power outages in multiple regions, and there is tension in terms of generation capacity. If we also set gas and oil, fuel and energy sector facilities on fire a little, I think it will be quite fun. Also, restoring all that is no easy task," Ihnat concluded.

As reported, on January 21, as a result of an attack by Ukrainian drones, the oil terminal of Ust-Luga Oil in Leningrad region was forced to suspend all operations following a major fire. All tankers awaiting loading outside the terminal were forced to evacuate the area.

This attack, for which the SBU Security Service claimed responsibility, caused major material damage, as well as dealt a significant reputational blow to Russia. According to Ukrinform sources, the Russians are forced to deploy more air defense systems in the rear, moving them from the battlefield in Ukraine.

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