თინა ბოკუჩავა - ევროპარლამენტში რეზოლუციას მიიღებენ, რომელიც იქნება ერთგვარი წითელი ხაზი, რის შემდეგაც „ქართულ ოცნებასა“ და ევროკავშირს შორის ურთიერთობის აღდგენა შეუძლებელია
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თბილისი-სენაკი-ლესელიძის გზის კმ133-კმ158 მონაკვეთზე მისაბმელიანი და ნახევრადმისაბმელიანი ავტოტრანსპორტის მოძრაობა დროებით აკრძალულია

Ukraine investigating killing of 61 Ukrainian POWs by Russian forces

05.06.2024 ნახვები: 159

The prosecutor's office is investigating 27 criminal proceedings over the murders of 61 Ukrainian prisoners of war, and in these proceedings four Russian soldiers received suspicion notices.

Ukraine's Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin said this on Ukrainian television, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.

"Twenty-seven criminal proceedings are being investigated based on the facts of the execution of 61 Ukrainian prisoners of war. In these proceedings, we have already notified four Russian service members of suspicion, referred two cases to court, and already have the first verdict. Of course, this is difficult work, especially in terms of identifying those who commit these crimes," Kostin said.

In general, according to him, more than 2,200 Ukrainian defenders have been recognized as victims in the proceedings regarding their stay in captivity.

"More than 500 of our soldiers testified about the use of physical violence against them during enemy interrogations, in particular, electric shock torture. We can also confidently say that the aggressor created a whole system of inhumane treatment of Ukrainian prisoners. At least 25 special facilities have been set up in 15 regions of Russia, where our military is systematically abused," Kostin said.


He added that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, more than 450 criminal proceedings have been registered over the ill-treatment of prisoners of war. Magistrate proceedings regarding crimes against Ukrainian prisoners are also being investigated. Based on the results of the investigations, according to Kostin, 12 suspects have already been identified.

Kostin also spoke about the war crimes committed against Ukrainian children.

"We are investigating more than 3,800 criminal proceedings over war crimes committed against children. Fifty-four persons have already been notified of suspicion. In 43 criminal proceedings, we have already completed the investigation and submitted them to court. Thirty-one people have already been convicted of committing war crimes against Ukrainian children," Kostin said.

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