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Zelensky congratulates Berset on his election as Secretary General of Council of Europe

27.06.2024 ნახვები: 151

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky congratulated Alain Berset on his election as Secretary General of the Council of Europe and wished him success during his term.

The head of state expressed his congratulations in a post on social network X, Ukrinform reports.

“Sincere congratulations to Alain Berse on the occasion of his election to the position of Secretary General of the Council of Europe,” Zelensky wrote.

Zelensky emphasized that Ukraine is committed to maintaining and expanding its strong partnership with the Council of Europe in the pursuit of democracy and justice. 

Read also: Zelensky signs law on status of English in Ukraine

He also emphasized that it is crucial that Europe's key international organizations continue to defend the European way of life and position Europe as an example of the rule of law.

“I wish the new Secretary-General every success during his term,” Zelensky added. 

As Ukrinform reported, former President of the Swiss Confederation Alain Berset will be the Secretary General of the Council of Europe for the next five years. 

Berset emphasized that his priority will be Ukraine and all international initiatives related to its support and protection.

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