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Russia deploys two Kalibr carriers in Black Sea, total salvo up to eight missiles

09.10.2024 ნახვები: 268

Russia has deployed two missile carriers in the Black Sea with a total salvo capacity of up to eight Kalibr missiles.

This is according to the Ukrainian General Staff, Ukrinform reports.

There are no enemy ships in the Sea of Azov; in the Mediterranean Sea, there are three enemy vessels, two of which are Kalibr missile carriers with a total salvo of up to 20 missiles.

In the last 24 hours, Russian vessels transiting the Kerch Strait included:

seven ships heading into the Black Sea, one of which continued toward the Bosporus Strait;

eleven ships heading into the Sea of Azov, with four arriving from the Bosporus.

Read also: Kerch bridge should cease to exist - Korynevych in Hague

Earlier, Ukrainian Navy spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk questioned the effectiveness of Russia's decision to install a Tor-M2KM anti-aircraft module on the small missile ship Sovetsk.

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