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Despite announced strike, Polish farmers did not block traffic on Ukraine border - Demchenko

09.10.2024 ნახვები: 278

The traffic of trucks crossing from Ukraine into Poland has not been blocked.

Ukrainian State Border Guard Service spokesperson Andrii Demchenko told this to Ukrinform.

"Truck traffic is not being blocked now -- something that was reported earlier and what Polish farmers could start on Polish territory. Of course, we expect that traffic not to be blocked," Demchenko said.

According to him, truck traffic remains intense in all directions.

He added that Ukraine's concerned services are in constant dialogue with their Polish colleagues, with Ukrainian diplomatic institutions in Poland keeping the situation under control.

Ukraine's State Customs Service announced on October 8 that Polish farmers could again block truck traffic at the Medyka-Shehyni checkpoint. According to the Polish side, local farmers declared a possible strike from October 8 to December 31, 2024.

In February, Polish farmers blocked the border with Ukraine, demanding that their government ban the import of grain and other agricultural products from Ukraine to the domestic market. On April 29, the border blockade was lifted.

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