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Zelensky says next three months crucial to move situation towards peace

10.10.2024 ნახვები: 247

A document entitled "Peace Framework," which outlines the detailed conditions for a just end to the war, will be ready by November.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said this in his speech at the third Ukraine-Southeast Europe summit in Dubrovnik (Croatia), Ukrinform reports.

"Peace Framework, a document that outlines the detailed conditions for a just end to the war will be ready by November. […] Right now, Russia is avoiding honest diplomacy. And that's why we in Ukraine have developed an action plan that can bridge the gap between the current situation and a successful Peace Summit," Zelensky said.

Read also: First point of victory plan concerns geopolitical certainty in Europe - Zelensky

"For us, this is a Victory Plan. For each of your countries, it's a plan for reliable stability. When the Plan is fully implemented, Russia will lose the ability to threaten us, to threaten Europe," he said.

"In October, November, and December, we have a real chance to move things toward peace and lasting stability. The situation on the battlefield creates an opportunity to make this choice – a choice for decisive action to end the war no later than in 2025," Zelensky said.

Photo: Office of the President of Ukraine

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