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ნიკა მელია - ახალი არჩევნებისთვის საჭიროა: არაღიარების შენარჩუნება მსოფლიოსგან, მანდატების და სიების ჩახსნა ოპოზიციისგან
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NATO leaders agree to allocate EUR 40B in military aid to Ukraine in 2025

11.07.2024 ნახვები: 249

During the first plenary meeting of the NATO Summit in Washington, the heads of state and government of the NATO countries agreed to provide EUR 40 billion in military aid to Ukraine next year.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said this during a press conference in Washington on Wednesday, July 10, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.

"We also agreed a financial pledge, helping Ukraine to build a force capable of defeating Russian aggression today and deterring it tomorrow. We have agreed that EUR 40 billion is the minimum baseline within the next year. This should ensure sustainable funding for Ukraine to prevail. We also agreed to review this at our summit in 2025, not least to ensure it continues to meet Ukraine's needs," Stoltenberg said.

Read also: NATO allies say Ukraine's path to Euro-Atlantic integration is irreversible

He said that NATO was doing this not because it wanted to prolong this war, but to end this war as soon as possible.

"The quickest way to end the war is to lose the war. But that will not bring peace. It will only bring occupation. So unless we want Ukraine to lose, unless we want to bow to Putin, we need to show commitment and resolve. The more credible and enduring our support, the quicker Moscow will realize it cannot wait us out, and the sooner the war can end," Stoltenberg added.

The NATO 75th anniversary summit is being held in Washington this week, with one of the main issues being the increase in military aid to Ukraine.

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