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King of United Kingdom announces priorities of new government, including Ukraine

18.07.2024 ნახვები: 218

In his speech, King Charles III of Great Britain announced the priorities of the new Labour government for the months to come after the party's victory in the general election in early July.

According to Ukrinform, the full text of the speech was published on the British government's website

"My government will continue to give full support to Ukraine and its people, and will seek to play a leading role in providing Ukraine with a clear path to NATO membership," Charles III said.

The monarch also added that the new government will seek to reset relations with European partners and work to improve the UK's trade and investment relations with the European Union. 

"My ministers will seek a new security pact to strengthen cooperation on the mutual threats faced by the United Kingdom and the European Union," he said.

Sky News notes that the main focus of the new government's priorities is primarily focused on improving living standards in the country by stimulating economic growth.

Read also: British, Japanese PMs discuss situation in UkraineAs Ukrinform previously reported, on 4 July, the UK held early parliamentary elections, which were won by the Labour Party. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak admitted the loss of his Conservative Party in the snap parliamentary elections. The leader of this party, Keir Starmer, became the country's new prime minister. 

Photo: The Royal Family

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