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Ukraine has one of most experienced armies in Europe – U.S. at OSCE

19.07.2024 ნახვები: 275

Militarily, Ukraine currently has one of the largest and most experienced armies in Europe.

Charge d'Affaires at the U.S. Mission to the OSCE Katherine Brucker said this at a special meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna on Thursday, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.

"Militarily, Ukraine has one of the largest and most experienced armies in Europe. International support remains strong. F16s will soon protect Ukraine's skies from Russia. Ukraine is the first place where NATO has a dedicated command to help a country that aspires to join the Alliance," she said.

Read also: Russian bombers must be destroyed before they drop bombs - Ukraine at OSCE

Brucker recalled that on July 11, at the Washington Summit, President Biden announced the signing of the Ukraine Compact.

"This historic Compact creates a unified and comprehensive security architecture to support Ukraine today and into the future, in war and in peace. The Compact affirmed that the security of Ukraine is integral to the security of the Euro-Atlantic region and beyond, and that Allies and partners intend to support Ukraine until it prevails against Russia's aggression," she said.

The U.S. diplomat stressed that "a strong, democratic Ukraine matters to the security of the OSCE region," and Ukraine's success is "the fastest way to peace."

Ukraine's army is ranked 18th in the list of the world's most powerful armies, according to Global Firepower.

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