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პრეზიდენტის არჩევნები 14 დეკემბერს დაინიშნა

Russian Marines facing recruitment issues in Crimea - guerillas

22.07.2024 ნახვები: 307

In the temporarily occupied Sevastopol, the 810th Marine Infantry Brigade, based in the Cossack Bay, is experiencing problems with recruiting personnel as Crimeans remain unwilling to participate in a criminal war unleashed by Russia.

This was reported by the ATESH partisan movement via Telegram, Ukrinform learned.

"ATESH reports on mobilization issues at the 810th Separate Marines Brigade in Sevastopol. Our assets that penetrated into the 810th Brigade, stationed in Cossack Bay, in Sevastopol, shared reports of the huge problems with recruiting military personnel," the report reads.

It is noted that the billboards with a call to serve with the Russian occupation force yielded no proper result as Crimeans are unwilling to take part in Russia’s war of aggression.

Read also: Social media: military unit on Cape Fiolent hit in Sevastopol

"Previous statements by the Russian Ministry of Defense on the possible expansion of the brigade to the level of division will never be realized because it is simply impossible to achieve the desired result at such a pace!" ATESH wrote.

The partisans have already shared their information with Ukraine’s defense forces.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, Ukrainian President’s Permanent Representative for Crimea, Tamila Tasheva, said since 2022, Russia had already called up for compulsory military service tens of thousands of Crimea men.

Photo: ATESH

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