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Satellite images show consequences of Ukraine’s attack on airfield in occupied Crimea

30.07.2024 ნახვები: 261

Satellite images available to journalists showed the aftermath of Ukraine’s recent missile strike targeting a Russian military airfield near Saky in temporarily occupied Crimea.

That’s according to Crimea Realities, referring to the Schemes media project, Ukrinform reports.

"The photos taken on July 28, which are at the disposal of the Schemes project, show dark spots that appeared on part of the airfield where the Su-30 aircraft were based, which may indicate a fire and/or explosions," the report reads.

Read also: Russian bomber damaged in recent drone attack, Ukraine’s defense intel confirms

It is noted that currently, the resolution of the available satellite imagery does not allow journalists to fully assess the outcome of the attack.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, Ukrainian Army’s missile units, in a joint effort with other elements of Ukraine’s defense forces, in the early hours of July 26 launched a strike targeting Russia’s Saky military airfield in temporarily occupied Crimea.

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