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Border guards of 'Revenge' destroy Russian drone control centre in Bakhmut sector

01.08.2024 ნახვები: 330

In the Bakhmut direction, fighters of the "Revenge" brigade of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine destroyed a Russian UAV control centre.

This was reported on Facebook by the Revenge Brigade, Ukrinform reports.


"The control centre of the UAV with the enemy's personnel and weapons was destroyed - Bakhmut direction," the post reads.

As a result of the UAV hitting the control centre, border guards of the fire support unit killed one Russian soldier and wounded two others.

Read also: Man injured as Russian troops attack Nikopol district with artillery and drones

Also, the operators of the Phoenix unit's drones damaged two 2A36 Hyacinth-B guns, an MT-12 Rapier gun and an MT-LB tractor. 

As reported by Ukrinform, on 31 July, over 40 Russian drones were shot down by air defence forces over Kyiv and on its outskirts.

Illustrative photo / General Staff

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