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Zelensky: July can bring Ukraine more strength in protecting the sky

02.07.2024 ნახვები: 311

This month can bring Ukraine even more strength, in particular in protecting the sky.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said this in his nightly video address, Ukrinform reports.

"This month can bring Ukraine even more strength, in particular in protecting the sky and bringing real security to our country. We clearly see what we need to achieve in negotiations with partners – primarily American ones," he said.

Zelensky noted that today he met with a congressional delegation -- a bipartisan delegation from the House of Representatives -- and thanked America, all American friends of Ukraine and the rules-based international order.

"It is very important to maintain an unwavering belief that life must prevail over the Russian war and all of Putin's hostile ambitions. This is absolutely possible. But it is possible only with the continued courage not only of our own people but also of our partners. Long-range weapons, fighter jets for Ukraine – of sufficient quality and quantity, and more air defense systems – are crucial factors affecting the entire course of this war. And they must impact it exclusively in our favor – in the shared interests of all nations who value life and want a peaceful world. And it will be so," Zelensky said, adding that American leadership is needed for this.

He also noted that Ukraine is preparing further joint steps with its partners in Europe and the coming months should demonstrate progress in bringing Ukraine closer to the European Union.

"[This includes] the screening procedure and the preparation of the terms of the future agreement on Ukraine's accession to the EU. There will also be new bilateral security agreements with our partners," Zelensky said.

The first intergovernmental conference in Luxembourg on June 25 marked the start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union.

Photo: Office of the President of Ukraine

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