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World Bank appoints new country director for Ukraine and Moldova

02.07.2024 ნახვები: 165

The World Bank has appointed Bob Saum as the World Bank Country Director for Eastern Europe, based in Kyiv, overseeing the Bank’s programs in Ukraine and Moldova, effective July 1.

This is said in a press release issued by the World Bank.

In this position, Bob Saum will lead the Bank’s engagement with the governments, stakeholders, and partners in these countries. He will oversee the delivery and implementation of the portfolio and knowledge products, and work closely with IFC and MIGA to strengthen World Bank engagement with the private sector.

“I am looking forward to my new role in supporting Ukraine through this devastating time due to Russia’s invasion. I look forward to working with all our partners to support rebuilding Ukraine and strengthening its foundations for the future,” the newly appointed country director said.

Bob Saum, an American national, joined the World Bank in 1998. Before assuming his current position, Bob Saum was the Chief Financial Management Officer and a Director of Operations Policy at the World Bank in Washington, DC. He provided strategic direction and led teams supporting countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East on the acquisition of vaccines in implementation of the $13 billion COVID-19 portfolio. Also, he directed the operational engagement with UN agencies with over $10 billion in financing over the past six years.

Bob Saum replaces Arup Banerji who served as Regional Country Director for Eastern Europe from July 2020.

The World Bank also appointed Kevin Tomlinson as Operations Manager for Eastern Europe, based in Kyiv. Kevin Tomlinson, an American national, previously held the position of Practice Manager for Social Sustainability and Inclusion in the South Asia region, based in New Delhi. Before joining the World Bank in 2002, Kevin served in the U.S. Navy.

As reported, the World Bank has facilitated more than $42 billion in emergency financing to Ukraine, including commitments and pledges from donors.

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