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Mayor of Novorossiysk reports naval drone attack

03.07.2024 ნახვები: 161

Authorities in Novorossiysk, where the bulk of the Russian Black Sea Fleet is based, said the city was attacked by unmanned boats.

ASTRA Telegram channel reported this, Ukrinform reports.

"There are explosions in Novorossiysk, the mayor announced the repulsion of an attack by unmanned boats," the message says.

It is noted that the mayor of Novorossiysk, Andrey Kravchenko, called for not being in the open space by the sea. He also reminded that "it is unacceptable to take and post photos/videos, means of protection of the city, the work of special and operational services".

Read also: Two killed, nine injured in Russian attack on Nikopol

Residents of Novorossiysk report powerful explosions on social media.

As reported, the spokesman for the Ukrainian Navy, Dmytro Pletenchuk, said that Russian troops could reload submarines at the base in Novorossiysk.

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