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Eighteen cogeneration plants from USAID ESP already connected across Ukraine

05.07.2024 ნახვები: 264

Eighteen out of 91 cogeneration plants, which were transferred to Ukrainian communities by the USAID Energy Security Project (ESP), have already been connected.

The relevant statement was made by the USAID ESP on Facebook, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“USAID has delivered 91 cogeneration plants to Ukraine. The total capacity is 56.5 megawatts. Eighteen plants have been connected, and the rest are in the process of being connected,” the report states.

The USAID ESP not only purchases and transfers cogeneration plants but also follows their installation and connection procedures, as well as provides training for the employees of power generating companies to operate them.

According to the USAID ESP, the cogeneration plants were handed over to 32 Ukrainian cities and two universities. They will help to ensure uninterrupted heat supply services for more than 1 million residents in apartment blocks and about 1,000 social facilities. Additionally, such plants can provide backup power supplies for adjacent hospitals, water supply and wastewater facilities.

A reminder that, in June 2024, Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC received 102 diesel generators acquired through the USAID Energy Security Project (ESP).


Photo: illustrative

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