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SBU forces destroy 30 Russian tanks,12 air defense systems in two weeks

11.07.2024 ნახვები: 242

Special forces of the Security Service of Ukraine hit 30 Russian tanks, 12 air defense systems, and eliminated 485 invaders within the past two weeks.

That’s according to the agency’s press service, Ukrinform reports.

"Over the two weeks, the special forces of the Security Service have hit with attack drones and other firepower 30 tanks, 43 IFVs; 56 artillery systems and MLR systems; 12 air defense systems; eight e-warfare systems; and 461 vehicles," the report says.

Read also: SBU detains Russian agent preparing enemy breakthrough in Donetsk region

In addition, the SBU forces destroyed 235 enemy fortifications and firing positions, 11 ammunition and fuel depots.

Also, in two weeks, SBU special forces eliminated 485 Russian invaders.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, SBU cyber experts together with the other elements of Ukraine’s Defense Forces hit the $25 million worth Zoopark counter-battery radar with the help of FPV drones.

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