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Head of PO is confident that there will be more Patriot systems for Ukraine

13.07.2024 ნახვები: 298

The US President has announced 5 Patriot systems for Ukraine, but there may be more.

This opinion was expressed by the Head of the President's Office Andriy Yermak on the air of the nationwide telethon "United News", Ukrinform reports.


"The US President announced 5 Patriot systems, but I can't disclose too much, but I think with a high degree of confidence that there will be more of these systems in the future," Yermak said.

According to the Head of the Presidential Office, the NATO summit held in Washington, D.C., was successful. 

I consider this summit to be successful. I would like to talk about the things that were left behind the scenes.

Read also: German pundit praises outcome of NATO summit for Ukraine

"For example, the second meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council and the speeches of NATO leaders. Almost all of them were very strong, specific, not just about support in general, but about specific actions, about what needs to be done and about a common strategy, not just about supporting Ukraine, but about a strategy for Ukraine's victory, which is different from what we heard in Vilnius," Yermak said.

As Ukrinform previously reported, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky took part in the 75th anniversary NATO Summit in Washington. At the end of the event, the Ukrainian treaty was adopted, which supplemented the G7 Joint Declaration agreed at the previous summit of the North Atlantic Alliance in Vilnius.

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