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NATO praises Ukraine's DELTA battlefield management system - MoD

15.07.2024 ნახვები: 281

The DELTA situational awareness and battlefield management system has shown allies Ukraine's ability to generate effective solutions for effective warfare.

This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Defense for Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitalization, Kateryna Chernohorenko, the Ministry’s press service reports, according to Ukrinform.

Ukraine's DELTA system received high praise from NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, General Philippe Lavigne, and Deputy Chief of Staff Capability Development, Vice Admiral Jeffrey Hughes. 


They also noted the significant efforts by the Ministry of Defense to ensure interoperability of Ukrainian and NATO systems and the innovative approach to developing DELTA.

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According to Chernohorenko, "DELTA proved it can exchange information between various NATO allies. With its emergence, DELTA, Ukraine strengthens its international position as a powerful innovation hub that generates efficient solutions for effective warfare."

As reported by the NATO press service, DELTA, a system developed for, and by, the military, is the largest Ukrainian integration platform and national data lake that operates in the cloud. It is unique in its ability to create situational awareness tools, such as a digital map platform that allows for manual information input or integration with various sensors, trackers, radars, and satellite providers. This enables users to track the location of friendly forces and identify enemy positions.

The Ministry of Defense stated that DELTA would be fully launched in the Ukrainian Army this month.

Presently, the DELTA capability provides the Ukrainian military with situational awareness; streaming services for drones and stationary cameras; secured chat; planning tools and synchronization matrix for reconnaissance and target acquisition assets; and integration of the robotic systems.

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

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