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პრეზიდენტის არჩევნები 14 დეკემბერს დაინიშნა

Satellite images show aftermath of drone attack on Russian military airfield

21.07.2024 ნახვები: 450

As a result of drone strikes targeting a military airfield in Millerovo, Rostov region, a hangar and a fuel depot were affected.

This is evidenced by satellite images, available to Radio Svoboda, Ukrinform learned.

"After the Ukrainian attack, the buildings of the technical and operational part and a fuel depot were damaged," the report reads.

The drones attacked the facility overnight Saturday, it is noted.

Satellite images taken after the attack show three impact sites.


"According to the data from the Wikimapia service, one of these fires affected a hangar of the technical and operational facility was located, the second one was in an open area, and the third – at one of the fuel depots," the report states.

At the same time, Radio Svoboda adds, satellite images confirm Russia’s statement that no warplanes were affected by the drone strike.

As reported, the Millerovo airfield hosts Russian aerospace forces’ 31st fighter aviation regiment, 1st mixed aviation division.

This is an illustrative photo

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