თინა ბოკუჩავა - ევროპარლამენტში რეზოლუციას მიიღებენ, რომელიც იქნება ერთგვარი წითელი ხაზი, რის შემდეგაც „ქართულ ოცნებასა“ და ევროკავშირს შორის ურთიერთობის აღდგენა შეუძლებელია
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Bundestag’s Defense Committee Chair: Russia waging war against entire Europe

07.06.2024 ნახვები: 142

It must be acknowledged that Russia is at war not only against Ukraine but also against the whole of the European Union, European values, freedom, and unity.

That’s according to Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, the head of the Defense Committee at the Bundestaf, leader of the Liberal and Democratic Alliance list at the European Parliament election, who spoke in an interview with Guildhall, Ukrinform reports.

“We have to work together, we have to realize what you were just talking about (Russia waging war against all Europe - ed.), that it's a war not only to attack Ukraine, it's a war against our values, our freedom, and our ideas of living together. And we have to explain it to people, that it's not just a short moment and after a while everything, everybody will be happy and the war in Ukraine will belong to past,” the lawmaker said.

Read also: Police searches in European Parliament offices in Belgium, France amid Russia influence probe

“It's a really moment where we have to learn and we have no time for long discussions to protect our European Union. And we, there is only one way to protect European Union together. It's not a question of bilateral, it's a question of staying together, working together. And the best would be that we create a European Union for defense and security. And so, yes, we have to do it. And I'm really optimistic, but I'm not naive. But we have to explain, we have to talk about it. And we have not much time to do it. So we have to go very fast forward and after the election, we have to start immediately,” Strack-Zimmermann noted.

She added that Russia works to ensure that the EU fails to act as one team. The lawmakers admitted that some countries, such as Hungary, are “definitely close to Putin and not close enough to Europe”, which poses a problem.

Russia will try to destroy this EU, sowing doubts and destructive ideas in people’s minds, the defense committee chief believes.

She also stresses the need for a frank but friendly conversation with the countries to clarify whether they are happy to be part of the European Union and learn what they are striving for.

Earlier, similar thoughts were shared by Italy’s Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, who said Russian President Vladimir Putin is waging a hybrid war and trying to influence the European elections, trying to divide the West.

“But we are all united in the defense of Ukraine,” said the foreign minister.

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