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მამუკა ხაზარაძე - მაქსიმალურ დისკომფორტს შევუქმნით ხელისუფლებას

Zelensky: Ukraine's victory plan will be presented to Biden and both presidential candidates

09.09.2024 ნახვები: 231

All steps of Ukraine's victory plan will be presented to U.S. President Joe Biden and both presidential candidates.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said this in a nightly video address on Sunday, Ukrinform reports.

"We consistently work with representatives of both parties in the United States – on the sidelines of the Forum in Italy, I met with a delegation of the U.S. Congress," he said.

Read also: President Zelensky: “Our main focus now is to strengthen positions of Ukraine”

According to Zelensky, they talked, in particular, about the victory plan for Ukraine - about some of its details.

"We will present all the steps to U.S. President Biden and both presidential candidates, Trump and Harris, in full," he added.

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